Our commitment is to produce knives which you can always rely on, knives that dont break and will last. We want our words not to be just flapping in the wind, but a commitment to you, that our knives will hold you in the harshest conditions, that you won’t be able to break them and it will always be sharp and ready for use. We make knives by hand with strict control of the knife function. We would never make a commitment without our own assurance, so we give you lifetime warranty for all of our products, and an unlimited number of sharpenings, two adjustments after the knife delivery and ergonomics that suit your needs.
To all our knives applies lifetime warranty. In case of dissatisfaction, breakage and other we produce at our own expense new one or repair damaged one.
In case of interest please contact us. By telephone, e-mail or via facebook. You can leave draft of the knife to by application or send your own design.
From the Greek words ergo – work and Nomi – science. Ergonomics is not just comfort while holding, as is often portrayed. It is the science of the work. We tried to find the best ways of producing a knife that just works best.
The best example of an ergonomic tool is a hammer. For thousands of years, it has worked so well that any change would be a step back. Development has stopped because it is perfect with the materials provided. We believe that our knives are at the end of developmental pathway.
Ergonomics include comfort, ease of handling, appeareance, how well the tool performs in the tasks given, and joy in use – things that motivate you to use the tool again and again. Every detail is taken into account, every thing is premeditated and tested.
The evidence of this is the tool itself.
How it began
In the beginning, there was an idea . An idea that you need knife for the life of an adventurer. A very reliable knife . I needed something functional enough that only failure, in my using of the knife would be in my own ability. Unfortunately, the vision of reliable , high-quality tools is usually overshadowed by the high price tag. Just because my wallet did not contain a digit this big, a last resort risen. Make my own knife, as was usual in the past.
After a short time after my decision to make a knife, I started working in a company which is engaged in manufacturing specialized tools for machining . This opened up many possibilities – at that moment it was only material . A production still continued , new ideas , materials, experience side by side my advertising assistant . Time and focus of my career began to bring benefits , knowledge and experience unavailable to many knife makers. As a control, I dealt with micro-geometry of cutting tools , which includes effects of surface , roughness , angles , shapes and sizes of cutting edge tools to work properly . Mostly with dimensions like 0.001 mm . We started to think through the blade geometry and blade cuts that worked ” like clockwork .” So we can provide the technology and knowledge on the level of science.